Skills that hackers must have + Bonus - FileTech Digital Entrepreneurship, Tutorials & Technology
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Skills hackers must have + Bonus

We have all known stories where some hacker manages to enter deep into a network, or manages to collapse a web page, with an attack known as DoS Denial-of-service attack (Denial-of-service attack) but to do this, you must have certain prior knowledge in the life of a Hacker that you must learn to master, don't believe those "with this book you will be a hacker from 0 to 100" stories.I have seen many publications like this in social networks and no, it is not true, because it is not only the penetration phase that matters. You always need to have previous knowledge, to be able to become a great Hacker.
Hacker, Cybercrime, Internet, Security, Cybercrime

The knowledge you need to enter this world are:

  1. Basic computer skills: Knowing how to install an operating system, build your own computer, fix your own problems, understand a little bit of computer science is what you need.
  2. ProgrammingProgramming should be a weapon for any ethical hacker, generally in languages such as Python, Ruby or a database language such as SQL, HTML tag language and CSS.
  3. Networks: You may not understand programming well, but without knowing about networks, you will never be a good hacker, I inform you that networks are fundamental in these practices, ipv4, ipv6, Backbone, protocols....
  4. Other language: In general English, if you speak native English, learn another extended language in technology like Russian, Japanese or Mandarin Chinese, did you know that according to statista 52,3% of the internet is in English? Besides this almost all the Software is in English, that's the point I'm going, the great amount of knowledge that awaits you learning English, for a hacker is indispensable for that reason.
  5. Linux: This point is not indispensable, but Linux has almost all the hacking tools that Windows still lacks, so learning to use Linux makes it easier for you to become a hacker because of all the software it has, although not everyone who uses Linux is a hacker... Don't confuse it.
  6. Virtualization: This point is important because for example Metasploit Table, a Linux distribution exclusively created to be attacked, has many vulnerabilities, if you learn to virtualize and build your own hacking lab, you will learn new ways to exploit vulnerabilities in a system.
  7. Curiosity: A hacker always wants to learn new things, wants to get into the world more and more and understand it, you must always be hungry for knowledge, to be able to grow, because hackers of 2005, doubtfully can use the same practices from then to today, they must always be updated.


Social Engineering: A skill of every hacker is to know how to use social engineering, I wanted to leave it as a bonus, because few have this skill, to be able to trick people to do what you want them to do, that is the best hacking skill and that is usually how you hack. understanding neurolinguistic programming. Thank you very much for reading.
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